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Vegetation indices

The Statistics API allows you to access statistical information derived from optical satellite imagery data for a specified area of interest (AOI) within defined time ranges. This data encompasses a comprehensive set of 17 vegetation indices, including NDVI, NDSI, NDWI, RECI, NDMI, SAVI, ARVI, EVI, GCI, SIPI, NBR, MSI, ISTACK, FIDET, NDRE, CCCI, MSAVI, as well as the option to create custom indices using a general formula (e.g., (NIR-RED)/(NIR+RED)) based on supported bands from the data source. Additionally, you can access true color and false color imagery for a holistic view of your area of interest.


Please note that for optimal service stability, it is recommended to include up to 3 indices in your request as bm_type and up to 365 days (1 year) as date range.


Get Multi-Temporal Statistics with alias name​

Step 1: Create task for indices caclulating with POST request​

curl --location --request POST '<you_api_key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"params": {
"bm_type":["NDVI", "MSI", "EVI"],
"coordinates": [
} '

Example of response:

"status": "created",
"task_id": "00dd1775-4fe4-420f-9ab8-19e967233154",
"req_id": "4554a79d-7b7c-4515-a94f-7ceeab2417c2",
"task_timeout": 172800

Step 2: Receive the result of calculation with GET request and use task_id from previous step​

curl --location --request GET ''
--header 'x-api-key: <your_api_key>'

Example of response:

"errors": [
"result": [
"scene_id": "S2B_tile_20200609_16TEL_0",
"view_id": "S2/16/T/EL/2020/6/9/0",
"date": "2020-06-09",
"cloud": 0.0,
"notes": [],
"indexes": {
"NDVI": {
"q1": 0.06225877162069082,
"q3": 0.15613897889852524,
"max": 0.2816303074359894,
"min": -0.11201691627502441,
"p10": 0.026399594917893413,
"p90": 0.18484574854373936,
"std": 0.06289542393441379,
"median": 0.10764970630407333,
"average": 0.1059820607514931,
"variance": 0.003955834351889631
"MSI": {
"min": 0.708953857421875,
"max": 1.1564327478408813,
"average": 0.871500668306894,
"std": 0.07412427511032148,
"variance": 0.0054944081606306235,
"q1": 0.8077611029148102,
"q3": 0.9279850721359253,
"median": 0.8764504492282867,
"p10": 0.7769006192684174,
"p90": 0.9608058929443359
"EVI": {
"min": -98.12822723388672,
"max": 47.290531158447266,
"average": 0.3720668537617378,
"std": 3.8028567119188925,
"variance": 14.46171917138657,
"q1": 0.1694919317960739,
"q3": 0.3644031807780266,
"median": 0.2724674642086029,
"p10": 0.0719693697988987,
"p90": 0.5220617949962618

Indices-statistics example

Example - get Multi-Temporal Statistics with formula​


If you want to get the same data, as in Crop Monitoring, please note that it is recommended to use General Formula or Satellite Formula

Step 1: Create task for indices caclulating with POST request​

curl --location --request POST '<you_api_key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"params": {
"coordinates": [
} '

Example of response:

"status": "created",
"task_id": "00dd1775-4fe4-420f-9ab8-19e967233154",
"req_id": "4554a79d-7b7c-4515-a94f-7ceeab2417c2",
"task_timeout": 172800

Step 2: Receive the result of calculation with GET request and use task_id from previous step​

curl --location --request GET '<your_api_key>'

Example of response:

"errors": [
"result": [
"scene_id": "S2B_tile_20200609_16TEL_0",
"view_id": "S2/16/T/EL/2020/6/9/0",
"date": "2020-06-09",
"cloud": 0.0,
"notes": [],
"indexes": {
"NDVI": {
"q1": 0.06225877162069082,
"q3": 0.15613897889852524,
"max": 0.2816303074359894,
"min": -0.11201691627502441,
"p10": 0.026399594917893413,
"p90": 0.18484574854373936,
"std": 0.06289542393441379,
"median": 0.10764970630407333,
"average": 0.1059820607514931,
"variance": 0.003955834351889631
"MSI": {
"min": 0.708953857421875,
"max": 1.1564327478408813,
"average": 0.871500668306894,
"std": 0.07412427511032148,
"variance": 0.0054944081606306235,
"q1": 0.8077611029148102,
"q3": 0.9279850721359253,
"median": 0.8764504492282867,
"p10": 0.7769006192684174,
"p90": 0.9608058929443359
"EVI": {
"min": -98.12822723388672,
"max": 47.290531158447266,
"average": 0.3720668537617378,
"std": 3.8028567119188925,
"variance": 14.46171917138657,
"q1": 0.1694919317960739,
"q3": 0.3644031807780266,
"median": 0.2724674642086029,
"p10": 0.0719693697988987,
"p90": 0.5220617949962618