Basic Weather API Providers
Weather Forecast with data aggregationβ
Weather Forecast API with data aggregation provides weather forecasts for 3 days at a 3-hour interval for your area of interest.
Itβs based on HTTP requests sent to the server, the response format is JSON.
HTTP Requestβ
POST<your api key>
Request Parametersβ
Parameter | Value | Description |
geometry | "modify" | The GeoJSON representation of a geometry describing the AOI. |
HTTP Responseβ
When you correctly create the Weather Forecast HTTP request, you will get the next response to contain today's weather, tomorrow's weather and the day after tomorrow's weather
"Date": "string",
"Temp_air_min": "number",
"Temp_air_max": "number",
"Temp_land_min": "number",
"Temp_land_max": "number",
"Rel_humidity": "number",
"Snow_depth": "number",
"Rain": {
"02h": "number",
"05h": "number",
"08h": "number",
"11h": "number",
"14h": "number",
"17h": "number",
"20h": "number",
"23h": "number"
"Windspeed": {
"02h": "number",
"05h": "number",
"08h": "number",
"11h": "number",
"14h": "number",
"17h": "number",
"20h": "number",
"23h": "number"
Response Parametersβ
Parameter | Description |
Date | Forecast date, string |
Temp_air_min | Min temperature at 2m above ground, number |
Temp_air_max | Max temperature at 2m above ground, number |
Temp_land_min | Min ground temperature , number |
Temp_land_max | Max ground temperature , number |
Rel_humidity | Avg relative humidity at 2m above ground, number |
Snow_depth | Snow depth, number |
Rain | Total precipitation (accumulated since model start), splited by 3 hours, object |
Windspeed | Wind at 10m above ground, splited by 3 hours, object |
Example with Demo fieldβ
HTTP Requestβ
curl -i -X POST '<your api key>'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d '{
HTTP Responseβ
"Date": "2020-06-19",
"Temp_air_min": 17.6538940429688,
"Temp_air_max": 29.3750244140625,
"Temp_land_min": 17.5554443359375,
"Temp_land_max": 25.9509216308594,
"Rel_humidity": 64.6644866466522,
"Snow_depth": 0.0,
"Rain": {
"02h": 0.0,
"05h": 0.12890625,
"08h": 0.0,
"11h": 0.001953125,
"14h": 0.0,
"17h": 0.0,
"20h": 0.734375,
"23h": 1.03125
"Windspeed": {
"02h": 1.23166459761033,
"05h": 1.96454827331419,
"08h": 2.94955841432136,
"11h": 3.74045225487876,
"14h": 3.64391127324307,
"17h": 2.85368153766911,
"20h": 2.74912081590915,
"23h": 2.49867989706547
"Date": "2020-06-20",
"Temp_air_min": 18.5734497070313,
"Temp_air_max": 27.386865234375,
"Temp_land_min": 19.1393981933594,
"Temp_land_max": 25.3498474121094,
"Rel_humidity": 68.5226661364238,
"Snow_depth": 0.0,
"Rain": {
"02h": 0.25,
"05h": 0.00390625,
"08h": 0.0,
"11h": 0.046875,
"14h": 0.1875,
"17h": 0.0,
"20h": 0.0078125,
"23h": 0.0078125
"Windspeed": {
"02h": 2.61927615100219,
"05h": 3.88797470607151,
"08h": 5.02138262507789,
"11h": 5.94701097119733,
"14h": 6.32063930414637,
"17h": 4.01887715557214,
"20h": 2.4678575021484,
"23h": 2.84367868676212
"Date": "2020-06-21",
"Temp_air_min": 17.8347717285156,
"Temp_air_max": 27.2004638671875,
"Temp_land_min": 18.6470581054688,
"Temp_land_max": 25.140283203125,
"Rel_humidity": 75.9185802141825,
"Snow_depth": 0.0,
"Rain": {
"02h": 0.0,
"05h": 0.0,
"08h": 0.0,
"11h": 0.0546875,
"14h": 1.125,
"17h": 1.0390625,
"20h": 0.0,
"23h": 0.0
"Windspeed": {
"02h": 2.50855536412368,
"05h": 2.20294509692318,
"08h": 3.87850895887888,
"11h": 4.93255055992879,
"14h": 4.06098356725482,
"17h": 3.09260707926948,
"20h": 1.37359397286952,
"23h": 1.09101959658345
Weather Forecast without data aggregationβ
Weather Forecast API without data aggregation provides weather forecasts for 3 days at a 1-hour interval for your area of interest.
Itβs based on HTTP requests sent to the server, the response format is JSON.
The area of interest is set via GeoJSON notation in the body of the request, or via an area identifier received from Geometry API.
HTTP Requestβ
POST<your api key>
Request Parametersβ
Parameter | Value | Description |
geometry | "modify" | The GeoJSON representation of a geometry describing the AOI. |
date_from | Start date | |
date_to | End date |
HTTP Responseβ
When you correctly create the Weather Forecast HTTP request, you will get the next response to contain today's weather, tomorrow's weather and the day after tomorrow's weather
"date&time": {
"t_2m__min": number,
"t_2m__max": number,
"asob_s__sum": number,
"tot_prec__sum": number,
"h_snow__sum": number,
"relhum_2m__avg": number,
"u_10m__avg": number,
"v_10m__avg": number,
"w_speed__avg": number,
"clct__avg": number,
"td_2m__avg": number,
"t_so__min": number,
"t_so__max": number,
"ps__avg": number,
"w_dir__avg": number,
"ww": number,
"ww_human": "cloudy/overcast"
"date&time": {
"t_2m__min": number,
"t_2m__max": number,
"asob_s__sum": number,
"tot_prec__sum": number,
"h_snow__sum": number,
"relhum_2m__avg": number,
"u_10m__avg": number,
"v_10m__avg": number,
"w_speed__avg": number,
"clct__avg": number,
"td_2m__avg": number,
"t_so__min": number,
"t_so__max": number,
"ps__avg": number,
"w_dir__avg": number,
"ww": number,
"ww_human": "cloudy/overcast"
Response parametersβ
Parameter | Description |
t_2m__min | temperature 2m above the ground (minimum) (K) |
t_2m__max | temperature 2m above the ground (maximum) (K), |
asob_s__sum | near-surface shortwave radiative flux (W/m^2) |
tot_prec__sum | precipitation (rain, snow) (kg/m^2) |
h_snow__sum | snow thickness (m) |
relhum_2m__avg | humidity at a height of 2m (%) |
u_10m__avg | east-west component of wind (m/s) |
v_10m__avg | north-south component of wind (m/s) |
w_speed__avg | average wind (m/s) |
clct__avg | cloud cover (%) |
td_2m__avg | dew point temperature at a height of 2m (K) |
t_so__min | temperature of the earth at a depth of 6 cm (min) (K) |
t_so__max | temperature of the earth at a depth of 6 cm (max) (K) |
ps__avg | pressure (Pa) |
w_dir__avg | wind direction (deg) |
ww | weather type |
ww_human | human-readable weather type |
Example with Demo fieldβ
HTTP Requestβ
curl --location --request POST '<your api key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"coordinates": [
"date_from": "2020-06-20T00:00",
"date_to": "2020-06-22T00:00"
HTTP Responseβ
"2020-06-20T00:00:00": {
"t_2m__min": 292.0,
"t_2m__max": 292.5,
"asob_s__sum": 248.5,
"tot_prec__sum": 2.2,
"h_snow__sum": 0.0,
"relhum_2m__avg": 83.5,
"u_10m__avg": -0.0,
"v_10m__avg": -1.7,
"w_speed__avg": 1.7,
"clct__avg": 99.4,
"td_2m__avg": 289.4,
"t_so__min": 293.0,
"t_so__max": 293.2,
"ps__avg": 98384.4,
"w_dir__avg": 180.2,
"ww": 3,
"ww_human": "cloudy/overcast"
"2020-06-20T01:00:00": {
"t_2m__min": 291.7,
"t_2m__max": 292.3,
"asob_s__sum": 238.5,
"tot_prec__sum": 0.0,
"h_snow__sum": 0.0,
"relhum_2m__avg": 83.3,
"u_10m__avg": -0.1,
"v_10m__avg": -1.9,
"w_speed__avg": 1.9,
"clct__avg": 100.0,
"td_2m__avg": 289.1,
"t_so__min": 292.6,
"t_so__max": 292.8,
"ps__avg": 98341.9,
"w_dir__avg": 183.5,
"ww": 3,
"ww_human": "cloudy/overcast"
"2020-06-22T00:00:00": {
"t_2m__min": 290.8,
"t_2m__max": 290.8,
"asob_s__sum": 221.7,
"tot_prec__sum": 0.0,
"h_snow__sum": 0.0,
"relhum_2m__avg": 95.2,
"u_10m__avg": 0.4,
"v_10m__avg": -1.0,
"w_speed__avg": 1.0,
"clct__avg": 100.0,
"td_2m__avg": 290.0,
"t_so__min": 291.9,
"t_so__max": 291.9,
"ps__avg": 98174.4,
"w_dir__avg": 157.0,
"ww": 3,
"ww_human": "cloudy/overcast"
Historical weatherβ
Historical weather API provides information about the weather data in the date period for your area of interest.
Itβs based on HTTP requests sent to the server, the response format is JSON.
The area of interest is set via GeoJSON notation in the body of the request, or via an area identifier received from Geometry API.
HTTP Requestβ
POST<your api key>
Request Parametersβ
Parameter | Value | Description |
geometry | "modify" | The GeoJSON representation of a geometry describing the AOI. |
start_date | Period start date for selecting data. Format YYYY-MM-DD | |
end_date | Period end date for selecting data. Format YYYY-MM-DD |
HTTP Responseβ
When you correctly create the Historical weather HTTP request, you will get the next response to contain today's weather, tomorrow's weather and the day after tomorrow's weather
"temperature_min": number,
"temperature_max": number,
"vapour_pressure": number,
"wind_speed": number,
"rainfall": number,
"show_depth": number,
"hardening_index": number,
"temp_critical": number,
"date": "string"
"temperature_min": number,
"temperature_max": number,
"vapour_pressure": number,
"wind_speed": number,
"rainfall": number,
"show_depth": number,
"hardening_index": number,
"temp_critical": number,
"date": "string"
Response parametersβ
Parameter | Description |
temperature_min | Min temperature at 2m above ground, number |
temperature_max | Max temperature at 2m above ground, number |
vapour_pressure | Vapor pressure |
wind_speed | Wind at 10m above ground |
rainfall | Total precipitation |
show_depth | Snow depth |
hardening_index | The index of death of winter crops |
temp_critical | The temperature at which the winter crop dies |
date | Date |
Example with Demo fieldβ
HTTP Requestβ
curl --location --request POST '<your api key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"coordinates": [
"start_date": "2020-04-20",
"end_date": "2020-04-22"
HTTP Responseβ
"temperature_min": "0.1",
"temperature_max": "10.1",
"vapour_pressure": "4.6",
"wind_speed": "4.2",
"rainfall": "0.0",
"show_depth": "0.0",
"hardening_index": null,
"temp_critical": null,
"date": "2020-04-20"
"temperature_min": "2.8",
"temperature_max": "9.7",
"vapour_pressure": "4.5",
"wind_speed": "3.2",
"rainfall": "0.0",
"show_depth": "0.0",
"hardening_index": null,
"temp_critical": null,
"date": "2020-04-21"
"temperature_min": "2.2",
"temperature_max": "14.8",
"vapour_pressure": "5.0",
"wind_speed": "3.2",
"rainfall": "0.0",
"show_depth": "0.0",
"hardening_index": null,
"temp_critical": null,
"date": "2020-04-22"