Download visual
Fetch an 8-bit image with bands in EPSG:3857, available in formats such as "jpeg," "tiff," and "png"
HTTP Request
curl --location --request POST '<your_api_key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"type": "jpeg",
"params": {
"view_id": "view_id",
"bm_type": "bm_type",
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [[
"px_size": number,
"colormap": "colormap_id",
"reference": "ref_datetime"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
api_key | <your api key> | (Required) Apikey retrieved from developer portal |
Request Body Parameter | Description |
type | (required) Operation name. Value is ‘jpeg’. |
params | (required) Request parameters. |
params.view_id | (required) View id of the scene returned by the Search API, see Search API. Example values: “L8/LC80110312016028LGN00”, “S2/19/T/CG/2017/7/9/0”, “MODIS/12/04/2017204/2017213034223” etc |
params.geometry | (required) A GeoJSON representation of a geometry describing the AOI. Supported geometry types: “Polygon”. |
params.bm_type | (required) Band combination to visualize. Example: “(B5-B4)/(B5+B4),(B3-B5)/(B3+B5),(B3-B6)/(B3+B6)”, “B5-1” etc. For available band combinations please refer to Name Aliases and Supported Datasets |
params.name_alias | (optional) User name of the band combination to be used in output file name. |
params.resample | (optional) Interpolation type to use with WMS. Valid values: “near”, “bilinear”, “cubic”, “cubicspline”, “lanczos”, “average”, “mode”, “max”, “min”, “med”, “q1”, “q3”. Default is “cubic”. |
params.colormap | (optional) Colorize bandmath result with the specified colormap. For avaliable palettes see Colorization and example colormap |
params.levels | (optional) An option to use with COLORMAP; rescale bandmath levels to the specified values. Default: -0.5,0.5 |
params.colors_limit | (optional) An option to use with COLORMAP, used for colormap discretization. |
params.calibrate | (optional) Convert DN to ToA reflectance if 1. Valid values: 0, 1. Default: 0 (calibration disabled). |
params.px_size | (required) Output raster pixel size in meters. |
params.size | (optional) Output image dimensions setting from LV. Used for logging purpose only. Valid values: “S”, “M”, “L”, “XL”. Default: null. |
params.georeference | (optional) Return georeferenced image if provided. Valid values: “world”, “kmz”, “tiff”. If “world”: return an image (.jpeg) and a world file (.jpegw) in a zip archive; if “kmz” return “kmz”; if “tiff” return geotiff; else return an image (.jpeg). Default: null. |
params.format | (optional) Image format. Valid values: “jpeg”, “tiff”, “png”. Default: “jpeg” |
params.pansharpening | (optional) Apply pansharpening if True. |
params.reference | (required) Unique id to assign to the request |
params.colors | (optional) List of colors to use with range colorization. Thresholds are set in params.thresholds. For more info on range colorization see Range colorization |
params.thresholds | (optional) List of thresholds to use with range colorization. Colors are set in params.colors.For more info on range colorization see Range colorization |
Image format. Valid values: “jpeg”, “tiff”, “png”. Default: “jpeg”
HTTP Response
The above commands returns the following JSON with task status
"status": "status",
"task_id": "task_id",
"req_id": "req_id",
"task_timeout": task_timeout
After that, you need to send a request for checking task status using task_id
Example: Download image of the NDVI from Sentinel2 from the AOI
Step 1: Create task for index caclulating with POST
curl --location --request POST '' \
--data '{
"type": "jpeg",
"params": {
"view_id": "S2/13/R/EL/2023/7/19/0",
"bm_type": "NDVI",
"geometry":{"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
[-104.87931347024973, 27.166227117387663],
"px_size": 4,
"colormap": "a9bc6eceeef2a13bb88a7f641dca3aa0",
"levels": "-1.0,1.0",
"reference": "ref_datetime",
"calibrate": 1
Step 2: Receive the result of calculation with GET
request and use task_id
from previous step
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'x-api-key: <your_api_key>'
Custom colormap
You can create custom colormap with Colormap endpoint