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Search scenes

Initiate searches for scenes, consisting of original satellite imagery, by specifying a date range and any spatial location.

This initial step paves the way for subsequent requests, allowing you to retrieve images such as NDVI or other index images specific to your field, along with natural color images.

Get the list of scenes that cover users fields

parameterdescriptionis required
date_startInitial date of the time lapse to retrieve the images. The service computes statistics for each image starting from the time indicated in the criteria.required
date_endEnding date of the time lapse to retrieve the images.required
sensorsList of sensor names. Supported sensors: “sentinel2" (“S2”), “sentinel2l2a” (“S2L2A”), “landsat8" (“L8”), Default: [“landsat8", “sentinel2”].not required
limitMaximum number of scenes to be returned in the results. Deafult is 100not required
params.max_cloud_cover_in_aoiMaximum cloud cover in AOI. Scenes for which AOI contains more than this percent of clouds shall be placed into “errors” array in response. Default: 100not required

Step 1:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--header 'x-api-key: <your_api_key>' \
--data '{
"params": {
"date_start": "2023-04-30",
"date_end": "2023-10-03",
"data_source": [


"status": "pending",
"request_id": "52121212-0cdc-4280-821d-75a2f5aa993f"

Step 2:

Use the request_id returned in the answer of the previous end point and replace it by the end of this endpoint to get the results of the search. Also, indicate the field_id before the request_id in the end point

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'x-api-key: <your_api_key>'

Response, where you can get view_id, date of the scene and cloud percent and use for the next steps to receive more data about your field:

"status": "success",
"result": [
"date": "2023-09-12",
"view_id": "S2/13/R/EL/2023/9/12/0",
"cloud": 0.64
"date": "2023-05-15",
"view_id": "S2/13/R/EL/2023/5/15/0",
"cloud": 9.93
"date": "2023-04-30",
"view_id": "S2/13/R/EL/2023/4/30/0",
"cloud": 0.24